There are 83 days in a normal year, 84 days in a leap year:
In 2010 there were 83 days
In 2011 there were 83 days
In 2012 there were 84 days
In 2013 there were 83 days
In 2014 there were 83 days
In 2015 there were 83 days
In 2016 there were 84 days
As today is Saturday, 12th February, and as February has only 28 days this year, there are 2 weeks and two days until Tuesday, 1st March.
If I answer that, my answer will be wrong in one minute, and meaningless in 3 1/2 days.
If it were a January, march, May, July, August, October or December it would be 1 month, 1 week and 2 days. If it were April, June, September or November it would be 1 month, 1 week and 3 days. For February on a normal year it is 1 month, 1 week and 4 days and for February on a leap year: 1 month, 1 week and 5 days. Hope this helps.
2 Answers: Answer 1: Only February except for every 4 years when there are 29 days. Answer 2: All of them!
52 (and 2 days).52 (and 2 days).52 (and 2 days).52 (and 2 days).
The date which falls 90 days after February 2, 2011 is May 3, 2011.
69 weeks and 2 days.
Adding 90 days to February 1, 2011 gives May 2, 2011.
Wednesday 2 May 2012
January 2 to February 7 is 36 days.
Including the start and end date in the calculation, there are 10593 days between the two dates.
1. (Including the 13 February and 13 June) 16 days of February + 31 days in March + 30 days in April + 31 days in May + 13 days of June = 121 days. 2. Excluding the 13 February and 13 June = 119 days. Both the above answers assume that February has 28 days and not 29 as happens in a leap year (a leap year occurs once every 4 years and all the months have the normal number of days except February which has 29).
Saturday, May 3, 2014
February has 14 and July has 15. 28/2 and 30/2
153 days.
Days between September 2, 1997 and February 25, 2010 is 4,559 days.
34 days, as of 5/2/10.