January = 31 days
February = 28 days
March = 31 days
April = 30 days
May = 31 days
June = 30 days
From the 1st January to the 4th July inclusive is 185 days.
There are 200 days between January 1st, 2010 and July 19th, 2010 inclusive.
l o l...
From the date this question was asked, May 25, 2010, and including the start and end dates, there were 62 days until July 26, 2010.
From the 1st January, 2010 to 1st September, 2010 there are 244 days.
its 36 days
There are 204 days between 1st January, 2010 and July 23rd, 2010, inclusive.
137 days until July 26th 2010, from March 11, 2010.
As today is the 3rd January, 2010 there are another 28 days to go until the 31st January, 2010.
As today is January 13, 2010 there are 6 more days until January 19, 2010.
180 days after July 17th 2010 is Thursday, January 13, 2011.
224 days until July 11th 2011 (from today Nov 29, 2010).
As of 20 March 2010, there are 101 days until 1 July 2010.
As of 24th Dec 2010, there are 31 days until 24th of January.
As of January 23 there are 21 days until February 13, 2010.
There are 301 days to go until Halloween - October 31, 2010 - from January 3.
There are 200 days between January 1st, 2010 and July 19th, 2010 inclusive.