There are 2 4/7 weeks in 18 days.
126 days is 18 weeks.
Two weeks 4 days.
There are 7 days in one week. Therefore, 130 days is equal to 130/7 = 18.571428 recurring (that is, 18.571428571428....) weeks or 18 weeks 4 days.
Normally we work 5 days a week. That is, there are 90 workdays in 18 weeks. The number can change if there is a holiday during this period, of course.
There are 2 4/7 weeks in 18 days.
126 days is 18 weeks.
Two weeks 4 days.
18 weeks and 2 days in a normal year and 18 weeks and 3 days in a leap year.
14 weeks and 6 days.
18 weeks and 5 days.
7 x 18 = 126 days
There are 7 days in one week. Therefore, 130 days is equal to 130/7 = 18.571428 recurring (that is, 18.571428571428....) weeks or 18 weeks 4 days.
18 weeks and 1 day.18 weeks and 1 day.18 weeks and 1 day.18 weeks and 1 day.18 weeks and 1 day.18 weeks and 1 day.18 weeks and 1 day.18 weeks and 1 day.18 weeks and 1 day.18 weeks and 1 day.18 weeks and 1 day.
Normally we work 5 days a week. That is, there are 90 workdays in 18 weeks. The number can change if there is a holiday during this period, of course.
It is: 2 weeks and 4 days
49 weeks, and 5 days.