There were 28 days in February of 1999. Only on Leap Years is there an additional day.
4,645 Note: This answer will be wrong tomorrow.
In 2013, someone born in 1999 would turn 14, and on their birthday would be 5114 days old. (365 days x 14 and four leap days for 2000, 2004, 2008, and 2012) In 2014, on their birthday they are 5479 days old. In 2015, on their birthday they are 5844 days old In 2016, people born before March 1 would be 6209 days old on their birthday, while people born on or after March 1 would be 6210 days old (picking up the leap day on February 29).
24 days
There are seven days in a week.
There were 28 days in February of 1999. Only on Leap Years is there an additional day.
122 days
From the beginning of 1999 through the end of 2011 was 4383 days.
123 days, inclusive of the dates given.
548 days
if you were bron in Jan 1 1999 then you were born 3706 days ago. and if you were bron today you were born 3652 days ago
548 days.
Hurricane Floyd formed on September 7, 1999, and dissipated on September 19, 1999, making it last for about 12 days.
3927 days inclusive between Mar 23, 1999 and Sep 12, 2009