121 days
There are 30 days in June, of any year.
This must be a leap year with with 366.
Type your answer here...
366 there is an extra day for leap day this year.
104 Weekend days in 2008
February 2008 had 29 days because 2008 was a leap year.
December always has 31 days.
In 2008, Kansas City had 80 days with measurable precipitation.
59 days.
144 days.
25 Days.
66 days.
There were 138 days from March 30th 2008 to August 15th 2008.
The number of days from January 1, 2008 to August 15, 2008 is 227 days.
From the 16 of September 2008 it is 104 days until the 29 December 2008.
about 120 days about 120 days