2/7two out of sevenTuesday ThursdayMon Wed Fri Sat Sun
There are 5 books of the Bible whose name begins with the letter "t":1 Thessalonians2 Thessalonians1 Timothy2 TimothyTitusIncluding the Catholic books there is also the book of Tobit for a total of 6 books.
This year (2016), it is 0.2842, approx.
4: h/h, h/t, t/h & t/t
See: http://www.mathematische-basteleien.de/spiral.htm r(t) = at x(t) = atcos(t) (a x t x cos(t)) y(t) = atsin(t) There are many kinds of spirals. See the article. Ray
The days that begin with a "T" are Tuesday and Thursday.
It is T standing for Tuesday if the letters are days of the week
Tuesday and Thursday
Tuesday, Thursday, today and tomorrow.
The four days of the week that start with the letter T are Tuesday, Thursday, today, and tomorrow. It's important to note that "today" and "tomorrow" are not traditionally considered days of the week, but they do start with the letter T. This can be a trick question in some contexts.
Next two are f s, and then it repeats. These are the first letter of the days of the week in English.
Tuesday; Thursday; Tomorrow and Today.
Tuesday; Thursday; Tomorrow and Today.
Tuesday, Thursday, today, tomorrow
There are many different car names that begin with the letter T. Cars can be named something like Tahoe.