In the USA, a public school year is 180 days, but this can vary slightly due to weather and other factors.
In 1950, the average student attended 158 days of school.
student are in school for about 180 days.
13 days a week
Typically around 180 days for grammar school students.
The average American child will attend school from 8 AM to 3 PM 180 days of the year. That means the average American child spends 1,260 hours per year in school.
14 days
The Australian schooling year has about a 200 day school year (a few less when you take public holidays into consideration). This is 20 more than the American school year but 40 less than Japan and Germany.
If a student takes a 5 month vacation during the school year in Seattle, or to other places in Washington, the school you normally attend should be notified.
student are in school for about 180 days.
Only five school days in a week.
Students in Cuba are required to attend school for about 190 days per year.
13 days a week
We only have 180 days
Typically around 180 days for grammar school students.
The average American child will attend school from 8 AM to 3 PM 180 days of the year. That means the average American child spends 1,260 hours per year in school.