Either 18,262 or 18,263 depending on how many leap years have occurred.
365 is how many days there are in a year. So if someone is 365 days old, they are one year old.
On his/her birthday, figuring in 20 leap years, they are 29220 days old.
5478 or 5479 days - depending on how many leap years the 15-year span contains.
4017.75 days old
18,628 days, based on someone who was born on the 13th of February 1963, as the question was asked on the 13th of Febraury 2014.
365 is how many days there are in a year. So if someone is 365 days old, they are one year old.
Either 18,262 or 18,263 depending on how many leap years have occurred.
A fifty year old is about 9foot
The average weight of a fifty one year old male is 210 lbs
Shahid Afridi made the fastest fifty in five year.
answer is 24 .... 12 at each side
for this year it would be 1960
1 year = approximately 365.24 thus a 12 year old is 4,382.9 days
On his/her birthday, figuring in 20 leap years, they are 29220 days old.