April 2010 is of course now passed. The original question was asked on the 26th of March 2010. The answer at that point was 6 days.
129 days till August 28th 2010 (from date 4/21/2010).
As of the 30th of April 2018 it is 51,827 days away.
There are 57 days between January 28 and March 26, 2010.
Assuming a start date of March 20, 2010, there are 54 days between January 25 and the start of spring.
As of the date this question was asked, August 17, 2010, there are 93 days until November 18, 2010, including the start and end date in the calculation.
From the 9th of January 2010 to the 1st of April 2010 was 82 days.
As today is January 11, 2010 there are 87 days until April 8, 2010.
81 days till spring 2010 from Dec. 29th 2009
43 days from Feb 28 to Apr 12 2010.
As today is November 21, 2010 there are 159 days until April 29, 2011.
As today is December 5, 2010 there are 145 days until April 29, 2011.
From 27 November 2009 till 10 April 2010 there are 133 days, not including the given dates.
21 weeks and 3 days... i think, but I'm sure !
101 days from March 6 2010 until June 15 2010.
129 days till August 28th 2010 (from date 4/21/2010).
13 days
180 days from Nov 2 2010 till May 1st 2011.