The main rule is that in years divisible by 4, February has 29 days (additional exceptions apply to the end of a century). Since 1962 is not divisible by 4, February only had 28 days.
There were 28 days in February of 1999. Only on Leap Years is there an additional day.
There are 28 days in February 2011.
28 days
February has 28 days
There were 28 days in February 1985.
1962 was not a leap year, as 1962 is not equally divisible by 4. Therefore, February 1962 had 28 days.
there are 28 days as it was not a leap year
Between November 1, 1962 and February 28, 1990 inclusive, there were 9981 days.
There were 28 days in February 1971.There were 28 days in February 1971.There were 28 days in February 1971.There were 28 days in February 1971.There were 28 days in February 1971.There were 28 days in February 1971.There were 28 days in February 1971.There were 28 days in February 1971.There were 28 days in February 1971.There were 28 days in February 1971.There were 28 days in February 1971.
February 1930, had 28 days.
28 days.28 days.
There were 28 days in February of 1999. Only on Leap Years is there an additional day.
There were 28 days in February 1941.
There were 28 days in February 1954.
In 2002, February had 28 days.
February 2010 has 28 days.
There were 28 days in February 1885.