time = distance / speed
time = 1700 / 15
time = 113.33 hours
to convert into days divide the number of hours by 24
113.33 / 24 =4.7 days
How fast is the boat going?
That depends on your speed.
f a river current is 8.0 m/s, and a boat is traveling 10.0 m/s upstream, what is the boat's speed relative to the riverbank?
66 minutes
6.32766667 meters per second ==
People traveled in the 1700s' by going on boat or horse.
By boat
By boat
yes, the boat is traveling at the same speed as the passengers. when the boat accelerates or decelerates the passengers accelerate or decelerate as well. EX: If a boat that is going 50mph suddenly crashes into a cliff sideand stops short the passengers are still traveling at 50mph which is why they will fly forward to there deaths
This matters depends on where you are going, how long the trip will be, what gender you are, if you are going alone, are children going with you, are you traveling by air, train, car, boat, your age, etc.
You would steer West if traveling from Ecuador to the Galapagos.
You would be traveling east by plane or boat.
Three men were travelling in the boat
Depends on how fast the boat is traveling. On a boat traveling at 30 mph it will take 30 minutes.
How fast is the boat going?
You would be crossing the Aegean Sea.