That depends how close you measure to the rocket. The closer - the louder! The distance is very important if you measure with a sound pressure level meter.
That depends on two things: On the volume of the shouter. (There is no average shout!) And on the distance where your ears are. The closer, the more decibels are there. I suggest: Go far away from a shouter.
in what
•Sound can be measured in many ways such as decibels. There is a special machine which you can by that measures how many decibels something makes. A pin makes 10 decibels where as a loud persons or a stereo can make up to 80 decibels. Volume is measured in decibels. So Frequency is measured in hertz
The usual symbol for decibels is dB.
Between 1 and 20db
It depends on the type of car.
An average microwave produces around 60-70 decibels during operation. This is similar to the noise level of a normal conversation.
That depends on two things: On the volume of the shouter. (There is no average shout!) And on the distance where your ears are. The closer, the more decibels are there. I suggest: Go far away from a shouter.
20 decibels
207 decibels.
A Saturn V rocket at liftoff could reach levels of around 220 decibels at close range, which is louder than a gunshot or a jet engine. The noise could be heard from several miles away and would often cause windows to rattle nearby.
70-100 decibels
An average rooster's crow is approximately 90 decibels. This is about as loud as a dog barking. Chickens themselves average 60-70 decibels, which is on par with human conversation.
Depends on the machine gun. Average somewhere around 154-160 decibels. Wear good hearing protection. That level of sound is associated with pain and hearing loss.
20 to 50 decibels (dB).
85 decibels maximum.