There are: 3.026 times 6.2034 = 18.6846408 which is 7 decimal places
There are: 3.012 times 6.2034 = 18.6846408 which makes 7 decimal places
A decimal number is simply a representation of a number such that the place value of each digit is ten times the place value of the digit to its right. It gives no information as to the location of the decimal point and so the number of decimal places.
9.3334 × 9 = 84.0006 (or 84.00 to two decimal places).
4 times.
There are: 3.026 times 6.2034 = 18.6846408 which is 7 decimal places
There are: 3.012 times 6.2034 = 18.6846408 which makes 7 decimal places
Well I know that three times six equals 18. Well I make it 2.059767144 which gives the answer correct to 8 decimal places anyway. It works out to 18.000000003246700 to 15 decimal places. Close enough?
2.090909090909091 (to 15 decimal places)
13.15 times 13.15 = 172.92 square cm rounded to two decimal places
6.43 times, to two decimal places, or 6 times with a remainder of 3.
3*pi = 9.424777961 to nine decimal places.
5.604991216 to nine decimal places
It is: 2/12 times 100 = 16.67% rounded to two decimal places
A decimal number is simply a representation of a number such that the place value of each digit is ten times the place value of the digit to its right. It gives no information as to the location of the decimal point and so the number of decimal places.
There will be five.