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Lu Chao from China is the recognized Guinness record holder for reciting digits of Pi. He successfully recited 67,890 digits of pi in 24 hours and 4 minutes with an error at the 67,891st digit, saying it was a "5", when it was actually a "0".

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How do you get rid of a chao egg in sonic advance 1?

You cant.your Chao is not able to die either

Can a chao turn into a hero and still be able to be a chaos chao?

Yes. Just make it a hero chao through it's entire life (including reincarnations) and then follow the steps to make it a chaos chao

How long is a chao year?

for a chao to turn a year old is 3 hours in the chao garden. but if your asking how many years a chao can live up to, the answer is 5 years. after that, the chao will either die. if it you mistreated it, or it will reincarnate, this happens when the time for a chao comes but if the chao loved you it will reincarnate and turn himself into an egg to be with you. a chao can become immortal after it reincarnates 2 times. but that is the maximum for the reincarnation stage for a chao. if you have a chaos chao of any kind it will not be able to breed at all.

What kind of pictures can a chao draw in SA2B?

chao can draw Food Items usually pizza or cake this means that the chao is hungryCharactersChao can draw characters that they like. The character may or may not be able to enter the chao gardens in SA2B.Flaming SkullsIf a chao draws a flaming skull that means it hates you. With the exception of dark chaos chao or devil chao. They draw flaming skulls randomly.ThemselvesYes chao can actually draw themselves. But the picture only represents the alignment of the chao not the breed.

When a chao dies does it keep its stats?

When a chao dies and is reborn, it will retain 1/10 of its stats. Sometimes, if your chao has high enough stats before it dies, it will be able to walk or swim as soon as it is born again.

In sa2b how do you teach your chao to fly?

If your chao has fly over 100, place it somewhere high facing you, then use either knuckles or tails and fly, make sure that your chao sees it. If it watched you it should be able to fly.

In sonic adventure 2 battle at what level do chao start swimming good?

it would be about at level 4, but it all depends on what level stat (A, B, C, D, E) your chao is. To be safe, all chao should be able to swim at level 10

How long in sonic adventure 2 battle does it take for a chao to evolve?

it takes a while. Just check your chao each day and you should be able to see it evolve.

How many emblems do you need for a shiny pink chao egg or a shiny black chao egg?

u need about 102 emblems and u should be able to get them or you can mate shiny green chao and a shiny other chao and you can get a pink one fastest way to see is by mating all of the shiny egg chaos together and see what they make

Can you turn a hero chao into a dark chao?

Yes. After spending 15 hours in the garden (collectively) your chao will reincarnate (if treated well). It will return to egg form and rehatch into a child chao, so that you can start over. It will retain 10% of its stats from its previous life. Also feed it the fruits from the dark garden and give it at least a few dark fruits from the market even before or after it is/turns back to a child chao.

When do you give a chaos chao the animals in SA2B?

After your chao has reincarnated twice or more, give it EVERY ANIMAL IN THE GAME and NO CHAOS DRIVES. All of the animals are: PenguinOtterSealPeacockCondorParrotBoarRabbitCheetahTigerGorillaBearSkunkRamRaccoonUnicornDragonPheonixBatSea MonsterSkeleton DogI recommend making a check-list so that you ensure that it works. If you have any difficulties in making a chaos chao, feel free to message me as I have some chaos chao (eight to be exact) so I should be able to help. - Raiwolf

What did Meg's father tell her to recite so IT wouldn't control her mind?

Meg's father told her to recite the periodic table of elements to prevent IT from controlling her mind. By focusing on the scientific information, Meg was able to resist the mind control of IT.