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Around 0 oC.

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Q: How many degrees celsius does it have to be to snow?
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How many degrees Celsius would a snowball be?

About -2 -0 as the snow will not melt and not be to hard to throw at people

Can snow be made at 2 degrees Celsius?

snow cant be "made" at 2 degrees Celsius, but is can snow in temperatures of 2 degrees Celsius, the snow itself would have been made in sub zero temperatures, higher aloft, and fallen into the warmer air layer.

How cold does a snow cloud have to be to snow?

0 degrees celsius

What weather might occur if it is zero degrees Celsius?

Snow (0 degrees Celsius is 32 degrees Fahrenheit).

Can it snow at 1 degrees Celsius?

yes, in fact it has to be above zero degrees to snow on the ground.

Is there a temperature where you can't make snow for ski slopes?

for snow to be snow, not water, the temperature of the air has to be below 0 degrees Celsius (freezing point) and the ground has to be below 0 degrees Celsius.

How warm does it have to be to melt snow?

0 degrees celsius

Will snow melt at 10 degrees celsius?


What temitruer does Celsius get cold at or snow?

Celsius temperature when it gets cold enough for snow to form is typically 0 degrees Celsius or below. Snow can start to fall when the temperature reaches this point and lower.

What type of precipitation occurs at 25 degrees celsius?

At 25 degrees Celsius, the most likely type of precipitation would be rain. Snow and sleet typically occur at temperatures below freezing (0 degrees Celsius), while hail usually forms within severe thunderstorms.

106 degrees is how many degrees Celsius?

41.1111111 degrees Celsius ==

How many degrees Celsius is 350?

350 degrees Celsius is exactly 350 degrees Celsius!