There are 254000000 angstroms in an inch. Therefore, 0.001 inches is equal to 0.001 x 254000000 = 254000 angstroms.
A mil, otherwise known as a thou, is equal to one thousandth of an inch. Therefore, 80 mil is equal to 80/1000 = 0.08 inches.
0.03937 microns
There is no constant relationship between units of length and units of angle.
A mil is a thousandth of an inch. 3 inches is therefore equivalent to 3000 mils.
A thousandth of an inch is 0.0254 millimeters.
There are 0.0254 millimetres in one thousandth of an inch. therefore, rounded to two decimal places, 9.2 millimetres is equal to 9.2/0.0254 = 362.20 thousandths of an inch.
There are 254000000 angstroms in an inch. Therefore, 0.001 inches is equal to 0.001 x 254000000 = 254000 angstroms.
There are at least 5 mils. They are a Cypriot monetary unit equal to one thousandth of a pound, a Swedish unit of length equal to 10 km, a unit of length of one thousandth of an inch, a metric unit equal to one thousandth, and an angular unit used in artillery that is equal to 1/6400 of a complete revolution.
1/1000 inch = about 0.0254 mm
0.03937 microns
A mil is a thousandth of an inch. 3 inches is therefore equivalent to 3000 mils.
mooOne millimetre is equal to 0.001, or one thousandth, of a metre.
A millisecond is one thousandth of a second.
1 thousand it is called a thou because it is short for thousandth
2.54 cm equal 1 inch
2.54 cm is equal to 1 inch