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Q: How many degrees form a straight angle?
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How many degrees are in straight angle?

A straight angle has 180 degrees in it. 180

How many right angles are needed to form a straight angle?

A straight angle is a line which has an angle of 180 degrees therefore two right angles (90 degrees) make a line.

A straight angle contains how many degrees?

A straight angle has 180 degrees. It is an angle that has sides in opposite directions from its vertex. A straight angle will look like a straight line.

How many degrees does a straight angle have?

180 degrees.An Straight angel has 180 degrees

How many degrees is an straight angle?

180 Degrees

How many degrees is an angle?

It depends what angle, if it's a straight angle it is 180 degrees, but if it is a right angle then it's 90 degrees.

There are 90 degrees in a right angle how many degrees in a straight line?

There are no degrees in a straight line.The angle between two line segments that looks like a single straight line if you didn't knowwhere the vertex of the angle is, measures 180 degrees, and is called a "straight angle".

How many degrees does a straight angle?


How many degrees are in a straight angle?

a striaght angle is always 180% but a obtuse angles is 91% OR higher

How many degrees in a straight angle?

180 Degrees ;]

How many degrees in a right angle in a straight line and in a full circle?

There are 90 degrees in a right angle There are 180 degrees on a straight line There are 360 degrees in a full circle

How many degrees are in a straight and obtuse angle?

a striaght angle is always 180% but a obtuse angles is 91% OR higher