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A parallelogram has 4 interior angles that add up to 360 degrees

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Q: How many degrees is a parrallelogram?
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Related questions

How many degrees are in a parrallelogram?

180. Degrees

How many angles in a parrallelogram?

Four and they total up to 360 degrees.

What is total internal degrees of angles of parrallelogram?

360 degrees

How many sides does a parrallelogram have?


The sum measurements of angles in a parrallelogram is?

The four angles inside the parallelogram add up to 360 degrees.

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How many lines of symmetry has a parrallelogram?


Angle of a parrallelogram?

Any single interior angle of a parallelogram can have any value in the range (0,180) degrees.

How many symmetry lines does a parrallelogram have?

In general, none.

How many edges does a parrallelogram have?

A parallelogram has four sides.

How many sides and angles does a parrallelogram have?

It has 4 sides and 4angles

What is the total interior angles in a parrallelogram?

The total interior angles of ANY quadrilateral is 2*pi radians (360 degrees).