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1 right angle turn = 90 degrees

If each turn is in the opposite direction from the one before it, then there are

2 in one direction and 3 in the other direction, and 5 of them wind up turning

you 90 degrees.

If there is 1 turn in one direction and 4 in the other direction, then 5 of them

wind up turning you 3/4 of a turn, or 270 degrees.

If each turn is in the same direction, then 5 of them turn you 450 degrees,

which has exactly the same effect as turning 90 degrees.

So . . . five right angle turns can turn you 90 or 270 degrees from the direction

you were originally facing, but they can't turn you 180 degrees or leave you

facing the same way as you started.

Holy Moly ! Do you see what that means ? It means that if you turn 90 degrees

five times, it doesn't matter which way you turn each time, you're still going to

wind up in the same position as if you had simply turned either to the right or

to the left once !

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