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Q: How many degrees of freedom in two dimension?
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What will be the degrees of freedom for triatomic linear molecule?

A triatomic linear molecule has 5 degrees of freedom - 3 translational degrees of freedom (x, y, z), 1 rotational degree of freedom about the molecular axis, and 1 vibrational degree of freedom along the molecular axis.

How many degrees of Freedom is the sphere in spherical bowl?

BACKGROUND: An item has a maximum of 6 degrees of freedom; 3 degrees of translation (motion in a straight line) and 3 degrees of rotation. The textbook answer to this question is 3 degrees of freedom. What do I mean by the "textbook" answer? I mean that the sphere and spherical bowl fit together correctly so that while the ball will rotate smoothly in any direction, the ball fits tightly enough that it will not move in a straight line in any direction.

What does a rectangle have to have to be a rectangle?

All four angles must be 90 degrees and the two parallel sides must have different dimension from the other two.

Do ballistic galvanometers have one degree of freedom?

no, it has two degrees of freedom. because it can rotate through X,Y plane.

How many degrees of freedom for simply supported beam?

Well, honey, a simply supported beam has two degrees of freedom - one at each end where it can rotate and move up and down. So, if you're looking to shake things up with that beam, you've got a couple of options to play with. Just don't get too wild and start adding more degrees of freedom, keep it simple, sweetie.

Is the string a two dimensional or a three dimensional object?

Considering it mathematically string is nothing but a line... So it only has one dimension that is length.. considering it physically.. It is nothing but a metal ROD.. with a given Diameter so it has three degrees of freedom hence it is a 3D structure..

Does a plane angle have a dimension?

No, a plane angle does not have a dimension in the sense of length, area, or volume. It is a measurement of rotation or orientation between two intersecting lines in a plane.

How many degrees of freedom exist for a new circle in a sketch?

A circle on it's own has 3 degrees of freedom. One being the radius/diameter of the circle and the remaining two being the X and Y coordinates of the midpoint.and.....I LIKE APPLES For futher inquiry Feature Degrees of freedom Circle 3 Line 4 Circular Arc 5 Ellipse 5 Elliptical Arc 7

Degree of freedom for a truss?

Number all the structural degrees of freedom in your truss. In a 2D (planar) truss, each joint can have a maximum of two degrees of freedom: one in the global X-direction and one in the global Y -direction. If a degree of freedom is restrained by a reaction, then it doesn't get a number.

How many dimension are in a square measurement?

Two dimensions of length: [L2]