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Your Grand Uncle(great uncle) would be your grandmother or grandfathers brother.

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Q: How many degrees of kinship to a grand uncle?
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Do you have any kinship with your first cousin twice removed?

Yes, you have kinship with anyone who is your cousin, no matter how many times removed. The more removed the cousin, the more distant the kinship.

What is the family relationship between your grandmother's brother and you?

Many genealogy programs include a feature that calculates relationships between family members. The relationship between a grandmother's brother and a her grandchild is "grand uncle" or "great uncle." Learn more at

What formed the basis for government in many African societies south of the Sahara?

Family relationships formed the basis for government. Kinship groups formed the government of many African societies. Kinship, by the way, is a group related by adoption, blood, or marriage.

What is meanig of kinship?

Kinship refers to the social relationships that are based on blood ties, marriage, or adoption. It helps determine a person's place in society, roles, and responsibilities within a family or community. Kinship is crucial for social organization, support, and cohesion in many cultures.

What formed the basis for government in many africvan societies south of the Sahara?

The family relationship formed the basis for the government. Kinship groups formed the government of many African societies. Kinship grew bigger by the related by adoption, blood, or marriage. :)

What formed the basis in government in many African societies south Sahara?

Family relationships formed the basis for government. Kinship groups formed the government of many African societies. Kinship, by the way, is a group related by adoption, blood, or marriage.

What kinds of kinship ties are found in West African societies?

West African societies often have extended family structures, with kinship ties based on lineage, clan, and marriage. These ties are crucial for social organization, economic support, and political alliances. In many communities, kinship also includes spiritual connections to ancestors.

How many syllables are there in the word uncle?

There are two syllables in the word uncle.

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Uncle Daddy has 144 pages.

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Uncle Target has 300 pages.

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