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Any number you like. Since the predicate statement: "the sun appears to move 370 degrees in 24 hours" is FALSE, then the "conclusion" can be any statement you like.

The sun appears to move 360 degrees in 24 hours and so 360/24 = 15 deg each hour.

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Q: How many degrees of longitude does the sun appear to move each hour if it moves 370 degrees in 24 hours?
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How many degrees of longitude does the sun appear to move each hour if it moves 360 degrees in 24 hours?

The sun appears to move 15 degrees of longitude each hour (360 degrees รท 24 hours = 15 degrees per hour).

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It moves 360 degrees every 12 hours, so for 90 degrees that is 3 hours

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The hour hand moves 360 degrees in 12 hours so 6 degrees takes 0.2 hours = 12 minutes.

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180 degrees longitude?

180 degree longitude or 0 degree longitude means the same thing. Now when someone crosses this line one has to make some changes in the time e.g when one crosses this line and moves towards east it will gain one day, if one crosses and moves towards the west then one losses one day

Why do the stars appear to move 360 degrees in 24hours?

The stars appear to move 360 degrees in 24 hours due to the Earth's rotation on its axis. As the Earth spins, it creates the illusion that the stars are moving across the sky. This motion is what gives us day and night cycles.

How many minutes are in one degree longitude or latitude?

60 minutes in each degree. The International Date Line is at around +180° longitude. If we start moving to the West from +180° longitude after 6 hours we will reach at +90° longitude position and after 24 hours we will reach at -180° longitude which is nothing but our starting position. In this time (24X60=1440 minutes) our Planet moves 360° in total. Now it is clear to realize that 1° equivalent to 4 minutes.

What longitude and latitude is Antarctic circle?

The Antarctic Circle is a line of latitude -- which moves, according to the Earth's wobble. As of 10 March 2016, it runs 66°33′46.1″ as a line of latitude and crosses all degrees of E and W longitude on Earth.

How many degrees does the hour hand move in one half of an hour?

It takes twelve hours for the hour hand to move 360 degrees In half an hour the hour hand moves 15 degrees

What happens when one crosses 1800 longitude from west to east?

When crossing the 180th meridian from west to east, one moves from one day to the next. This line of longitude, also known as the International Date Line, marks the transition between calendar days. So, if you were to cross it from the west, you would advance one calendar day.

How many degrees does a hand clock move in an hour?

Hour hand moves 30 degrees, minute hand moves 360 degrees.

The hour hand on a clock moves one half of a degree every minute how many degrees will the hand move in one hour?

the hour hand moves 30 degrees in every hour, the minute hand moves 6 degrees each minute Clocks hand moves 1/60 of a degree every minute1 hour = 60 minutes60 * 1/60 = 1The clocks hand move 1 degree an hour