The formula is: 0.5*(n2-3n) where 'n' represents the number of sides of the polygon
It has 9 diagonals
It has 2 diagonals
There are 119 diagonals.
There are infinite diagonals in a circle.
9 diagonals
Mae Ngon's population is 17,715.
Chung ngon sat luk ji geng tin haai gip ngon - 1994 V is rated/received certificates of: Hong Kong:III
It has 1,345,890 diagonals
Guy Bertrand Ngon Mamoun was born on 1983-11-04.
Claude Parfait Ngon A Djam was born on 1980-01-23.
A undecagon has 44 diagonals. A dodecagon has 54 diagonals. An octagon has 20 diagonals. A heptagon has 14 diagonals.
24 diagonals
2 diagonals
It has 2 Diagonals!!!
There are 20 diagonals
20 diagonals
It has 27 diagonals