Hiroyuki Goto of Tokyo, Japan.
The record for memorizing digits of pi, certified by Guinness World Records, is 67,890 digits, recited in China by Lu Chao in 24 hours and 4 minutes on 20 November 2005.
On digit (not didgit!).
Hiroyuki Goto of Tokyo, Japan.
Six zeros I believe :) 1000000
Mine had 10.
The record for memorizing digits of pi, certified by Guinness World Records, is 67,890 digits, recited in China by Lu Chao in 24 hours and 4 minutes on 20 November 2005.
5 digits makes up to 99,999
The words to "Can I Have Your Number?" are exactly just that. Listen to yourself the next time you talk, and just ask a lady out. It's as simple as that, and I ended up converting my sexuality from Ace to Straight instantly. (I ultimately decided to change back, however.)
i do no
On digit (not didgit!).
There is 5 trillion digits of pi.