pi never ends but we don't know many the there is someone that claims to know 20million digits if he said a number per second it would take about 2 years so examiners say things like 2000-3500 and he says them and he has not been proved wrong yet.
Hiroyuki Goto of Tokyo, Japan.
The record for memorizing digits of pi, certified by Guinness World Records, is 67,890 digits, recited in China by Lu Chao in 24 hours and 4 minutes on 20 November 2005.
On digit (not didgit!).
Hiroyuki Goto of Tokyo, Japan.
Six zeros I believe :) 1000000
Mine had 10.
The record for memorizing digits of pi, certified by Guinness World Records, is 67,890 digits, recited in China by Lu Chao in 24 hours and 4 minutes on 20 November 2005.
5 digits makes up to 99,999
i do no
On digit (not didgit!).
There is 5 trillion digits of pi.
The decimal representation of pi, as of late 2011, is over 10 trillion (1013) digits.