If you include 0000, ten thousand unique four digit codes are possible.
If a digit can be repeated there are 5 x 5 x 5 = 125 possible numbers If a digit cannot be repeated there are 5 x 4 x 3 = 60 possible numbers.
If letters cannot be repeated, then there are 26 options for the first letter. There are then 25 options for the second letter. There are then 24 options for the third letter, and 23 for the fourth. This means that in total there are 26x25x24x23 options for the code. 26x25x24x23 = 358,800. Thus, there are 358,800 possible 4 letter codes.
If they are not on the same dimension then you cannot do this. They will be different numbers and will not go together.
9*106 or 9 million.
100,000 - Every number from 00000 to 99999.
Could you rephrase and resubmit your question. This cannot be answered the way it is written. Please be specific. This way you get the best answer possible.
If a digit can be repeated there are 5 x 5 x 5 = 125 possible numbers If a digit cannot be repeated there are 5 x 4 x 3 = 60 possible numbers.
data cannot be repeated
If there are n numbers in the group, there aren2 ordered pairs if the numbers can be repeated,n*(n-1) ordered pairs if the numbers cannot be repeated,n2/2 pairs if the numbers can be repeated,n*(n-1)/2 pairs if the numbers cannot be repeated.
Is when there is repeated behavior in an experiment but cannot be explained.
No, the question contradicts itself. If it is repeating then it cannot be terminating and if it is terminating then it cannot be repeating!
If the jury cannot decide whether the accused is guilty or not, the case can be repeated but with a different selection of jurors.
If the jury cannot decide whether the accused is guilty or not, the case can be repeated but with a different selection of jurors.
Number of possible groups of 3 letters = 26 x 25 x 24 = 15,600. For each of these . . .Number of possible groups of 3 digits = 9 x 9 x 8 = 648 .Total number of possible distinct plates = 15,600 x 648 = 10,108,800
If letters cannot be repeated, then there are 26 options for the first letter. There are then 25 options for the second letter. There are then 24 options for the third letter, and 23 for the fourth. This means that in total there are 26x25x24x23 options for the code. 26x25x24x23 = 358,800. Thus, there are 358,800 possible 4 letter codes.