

Best Answer
  1. Nominal or category;
  2. Ordinal scale;
  3. Interval scale; and
  4. Ratio scale.

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Q: How many different levels of measurement for variables exist?
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What is the standardizing variables?

There doesn't exist such a thing. What does exist are standardized variables, which are variables with mean = 0 and standard deviation = 1

What are two types of mathematical relationships that exist between different variables?

Direct or inverse relationships,that is a problem

What determines how close a measurement is to the true or accepted value?

This value is variable and different for each type of measurement. The error can be absolute or relative. A measurement without any error doesn't exist.

What are some relationships that exist between variables?

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Static Variables are created when the class is loaded and continue to exist as long as the class is loaded/present in the JVM

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Automatic variables are variables that are declared within the scope of a block, usually a function. They exist only within that scope, i.e. that block, and they cease to exist after the block is exited. These variables are usually allocated from the stack frame.

Why are there different levels of jurisdiction?

Different levels of jurisdiction exist to allocate responsibility for different types of legal matters among various levels of government. This helps ensure a more efficient and effective legal system by handling cases at the appropriate level, whether it's local, state, or federal. Additionally, having different levels of jurisdiction allows for consistency in the application of laws and ensures that specialized expertise is available for different types of legal cases.

What must be present in order to say that correlation exist?

A relationship between variables

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I don't have that specific information. In the Philippines, various fraternities exist, and each may have different levels of financial resources.

Are energy levels the same as the period number?

No, energy levels and period numbers are different concepts in chemistry. Energy levels represent the different energy levels at which electrons can exist within an atom, while the period number indicates the shell in which the outermost electrons of an element reside. Each period corresponds to a different energy level, but not all elements in a period have electrons at the same energy level.

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