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Q: How many different orders can 5 people line up in a row?
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How many different ways can four people stand in one line?

If the people are always facing forward? 24 ways.

How many ways can 6 people stand in line?

There are n! (n factorial) ways that n people can stand in line. So six people can stand in line in: 1*2*3*4*5*6 = 720 different ways

There are 4 horses in a stable in how many different orders can they be ridden?

Infinitely! It depends on what pattern.

How many different orders can you put 4 animals in?

16 u just have to multiply

How many different orders can 6 runners finish a race?

Six runners can finish in 36 different orders in a race. This sum is reached by multiplying the number of runners (6), by the number of runners (6).

How many ways can 3 people stand in a line?

SixIf only the order is interesting (not the direction that they are oriented) then In the first place there can be any of the three, in the second place there can be either of the two left and then the last place is a given so: 3 * 2 * 1 = 6Six different orders for three people standing in a line.If their direction is also interesting to take into account (e.g. the middle person facing north while the others face east) then you have to know how many different directions and if standing on their heads counts as different etc.

Why do states hold many important powers?

To rule the people and promote orders

In how many different orders can 6 runners finish a race?

6 permute 6 =720 ways :))