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Q: How many different rectangles can you draw with an area of 12 cm2?
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They can be: 1 by 81, 3 by 27 and 9 by 9 as integers in cm

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How many different rectangles are there if the perimeter of the rectangle equals the area of the rectangle?

Infinite amounts.

How many different rectangles can be made with an area of 20 square centimeters?

technically the number is infinite

How many different rectangles can you draw with an area of 12 square units?

If you restrict yourself to whole numbers, 12 has 3 factor pairs: 1 x 12 2 x 6 3 x 4

How many different rectangles can have an area of 24 square inches if their lengths and widths are whole numbers?


How many different rectangles with an area of 12 square units can be formed using unit squares?

3 or 6, depending on whether rectangles rotated through 90 degrees are counted as different. The rectangles are 1x12, 2x6 3x4 and their rotated versions: 4x3, 6x2 and 12x1.

Is there an example of 2 rectangles with the same area but different areas?

No. Many investigators have searched for such an example, but none have found it yet. According to all published research so far, two rectangles with the same area always have the same area. But the search goes on, in many great universities.

How many rectangles have the same area but different perimeters?

Infinitely many. Suppose the area of the rectangle is 100. We could create rectangles of different areas: 100x1 50x2 25x4 20x5 10x10 However, the side lengths need not be integers, which is why we can create infinitely many rectangles. Generally, if A is the area of the rectangle, and L, L/A are its dimensions, then the amount 2(L + (L/A)) can range from a given amount (min. occurs at L = sqrt(A), perimeter = 4sqrt(A)) to infinity.

How many different rectangles can you draw with an area of 11 cm squared?

There are infinitely many rectangles. Let K = sqrt(11). Let L be any real number greater than M and let B = 11/L. Then, B < K so that for any two different values of L, the pair (L, B) are distinct even with a swap.The rectangle with length L and breadth B has an area = L*(11/L) = 11 cm2. Since there are infinitely many choices for L, there are infinitely many rectangles.

How many rectangles have the same area and perimeter of 18?

thare is only 1 differint rectangles