

Best Answer

There are 15 504 ways that an instructor may select 5 textbooks from possible 20.

The expression to use for this calculation is:

20C5 = 20!/[5!∙(20-5)!] = 15 504

and it reads as: The number of different combinations of 5 entities you can get

from a collection of 20 different entities is.

where the symbol !, stands for factorial, such that:

n! = n∙(n-1)∙(n-2)∙(n-3)∙,,,∙(4)∙(3)∙(2)∙(1)

e.g., 5! = 5x4x3x2x1 = 120

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Q: How many different ways can an instructor select 5 textbooks from possible 20?
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