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Allen Chen

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Q: How many different ways can you arrange the the numbers 1 4 and 5 if no number can be used more than once?
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First arrange the numbers in ascending orderThe middle number is the medianAdd the numbers together and divide them by how many number there are for the meanThe number that occurs most often is the mode

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The number of different ways that you can arrange 15 different items is given by the permutations of 15 things taken 15 at a time. That is 15 factorial, or 1,307,674,368,000.

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If all 16 numbers show up in each arrangement, then they can be arranged in20,922,789,890,000 different ways.(That number is rounded to the nearest ten thousand, so it's accurate to withinone ten-millionth of 1 percent.)

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How many different ways can you arrange the numbers 1 to 5?

3125 i think...There are 5 numbers.(It can be any five, say 9,7,6,2,1)To write them in different combinations you will do it in n! (factorial n) number of ways.n! = 5! = 5x4x3x2x1 = 120 different combinations.Even if the numbers were replaced by say A,B,C,D,E (or any 5 different letters or numbers) then it will still be 120 combinations for those 5 letters or numbers.

How many ways can you arrange the letters mnopq?

The number of different ways you can arrange the letters MNOPQ is the number of permutations of 5 things taken 5 at a time. This is 5 factorial, or 120.

How do you remember the difference between the mean median and mode?

the mean is when you add the numbers and divide the answer by how many numbers is in the problem, the median is when you arrange the numbers from smallest to largest or from largest to smallest and find the middle number and the mode is how many times a number repeats itself.