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Q: How many different words can you say divide?
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if it has to be straight i say the most if 6

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How do you divide words in syllables?

Try saying them out loud and clap your hands each time you have to say what sounds like a different word but is part of the same word. Ex- Dia-per

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Cree has many different words meaning "butterfly", including:kamâmakmimikwâskamâmakos

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Antonyms are words that are the opposite of other words. If I say "different" the antonym would be "alike". Synonyms are words that has the same meaning as other words. If I say "different" a synonym would be "various".

How many times does the Bible say rock?

In the bible its says Rock 236 times. [The specific concordance where this was found should be given in order for the answer to be complete. Different versions of the scriptures will have different totals for many words because of the different ways that some words can be translated.]

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Different words for "Efficiency" in different language

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their generation of music is different than ours; we grew up listening to different music types.

How do you divide camera into syllables?

you do it by cam era when you say it put your hand under your jaw and say it how many times it drops that is how many syllables

What does All say?

All of the words in the English langage say something. The meanings are different as is the spelling of the words. A common southern phrase is to say Y'all, which means everyone.

How many words should an critical essay have?

Say what you have to say in as few words as possible. Choose your words carefully and edit what you write.