Körnerstraße - KVB - was created in 1989.
Rudolfplatz - KVB - was created in 1987.
Reichenspergerplatz - KVB - was created in 1974.
Ebertplatz - KVB - was created in 1974.
Appellhofplatz - KVB - was created in 1968.
Friesenplatz - KVB - was created in 1985.
Leyendeckerstraße - KVB - was created in 1992.
Akazienweg - KVB - was created in 1992.
Neumarkt - KVB - was created in 1969.
If you are having issues accessing your netbanking online, I recommend contacting the website and resetting your password. If you currently do not have netbanking, I would call the bank to see if that feature is available with your account.
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