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Q: How many digits of pi did Hiroyoki Gotu memorize?
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How many digits of pi did the current pi champ memorize?

100,000, in October 2011

How many decimal places did Hiroyuki Gotu recite of pi?

Roughly 42000 digits. It took him over 9 hours. (Clinical Psychologist interested in these sorts of things)

What are the health benefits of Gotu Kola supplements?

Gotu Kola supplements have many health benefits. They help with anti-aging. It also aids in wound healing from surgeries, as well as bedsores and ulcers. It helps in the prevention of muscular atrophy as well.

What skills do you need to be a medical doctor?

You will need a strong background in science: you will be studying for a medical degree, and the courses will include anatomy, physiology, psychology, and specific courses about the internal workings of the human body. You will need to learn techniques for diagnosing various diseases, and what certain symptoms mean. You will need to know how to do medical research, so that you can keep up with new findings that may be useful to your area of expertise. You will need to project a confident but calming manner, so that you can put a patient at ease (many patients are scared when they see a doctor). You will need to listen carefully to the patient, so that you can understand his or her symptoms: this will be necessary in order to diagnose, or to identify possible reasons why the patient is not feeling well. Sometimes, a good doctor is like a detective-- gathering information, knowing what tests to order, doing research, and figuring out the problem. You will also need to possess manual dexterity, since you may be performing surgery or handling medical equipment or doing a physical exam. Some doctors are specialists, and they must acquire a thorough knowledge of the particular area in which they want to practice: gynecology, oncology, internal medicine, surgery, etc. Above all, a doctor must have a love of the medical field and a dedication to helping patients.

How many digits are in 29,400?

6 digits

How many digits is there in a million?


How many numeric digits in 32000 Crore?

12 digits.12 digits.12 digits.12 digits.

How many digits does a quadrillion have?

A quadrillion has 16 digits.

How many digits are in a millon?

Seven digits.

How many digits are there in 2hundredthousand?

6 digits