the ans is 10 digit
Western Union Money Transfer Control Numbers (MTCN #) are 100 numbers long.
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the ans is 10 digit
The fact that the person giving it to you called it a "reference number" and not an "MTCN/Money Transfer Control Number" (the term used by Western Union themselves) is not a good sign.Valid MCTNs are 10 digits, but the only way to know for sure if one is "good" is to contact Western Union. You need the MCTN (and a valid ID) to pick up the funds, but you can also track the transfer on Western Union's website if you have the MCTN. If the website can't find the MCTN you were given, that's a very bad sign.
There are 8 digits in a City Union Bank checking account number. Every account will have its own unique number.
15 digits (the first four digits is the branch code)
With serial number 6395-408AK this is what a western union code looks like.
Western Union Money Transfer Control Numbers (MTCN #) are 100 numbers long.
Using a different phone than your own, call the number. If your phone rings, then it is your number. If the phone is answered by a Western Union clerk, than it is not your number.
the ans is 10 digit