You can't have cubic feet in an area. Area is for two dimentions and volume is for 3 dimentions.20ft by 20ft is 400ft2
The dimensions (not dimentions) may be called length, breadth (or width) and height (or depth).
Just the two of them at each end of the line segment.
Answer: 1 acre = 43,560 square feet.
one dimension
Geometric points are dimensionless.
You can't have cubic feet in an area. Area is for two dimentions and volume is for 3 dimentions.20ft by 20ft is 400ft2
The dimensions (not dimentions) may be called length, breadth (or width) and height (or depth).
first off since we are dealing with three dimentions it will be cubic feet. we can simply multiply all these dimentions together to get the volume. the volume is 960 cubic feet.
Height = 12.1cm
100 by 25 yards
Any dimensions that you desire
hello cheese burger
Length and Width (or Height)