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Q: How many distinct arrangements can be made from the word college?
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The number of distinct arrangements of the letters of the word BOXING is the same as the number of permutations of 6 things taken 6 at a time. This is 6 factorial, which is 720. Since there are no duplicated letters in the word, there is no need to divide by any factor.

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Take note of the word "surprising":There are 10 letters total.There are 2 r's.There are 2 i'sThere are 2 s's.There are 10! total ways to arrange the letters. Since repetition is not allowed for the arrangements, we need to divide the total number of arrangements by 2!2!2! Therefore, you should get 10!/(2!2!2!) distinct arrangements

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64 different arrangements are possible.

How many different arrangements of the letters in the word number can be made?

6! = 6x5x4x3x2x1 = 720 arrangements

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There are 6! = 720 different arrangements.

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The word "spineless" has 9 letters, including 3 s's and 2 e's, so the number of distinct permutations of the letters is: 9!/(3!2!) = 30,240

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The number of different three letter arrangements that can be done from theletters in the word "mathematics"is; 11P3 =11!/(11-3)! =990

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How many different five-letter arrangements can be made from the letters in the name EULER?

There are 5!/2! = 60 arrangements.