there are 2.5 dimes in a quarter.
a quarter has 130 grooves.
There are 63 working days in quarter
There are 15 minutes in a quarter hour.
There are 4 quarter pieces
You pour the sand into your divots after you have hit.
Sand is the ideal for filling in divots because it can fill divots easily, and they can be smoothed easily. Grass seed is usually mixed in with it, so the grass can grow back quickly. It is also very cheap and easy to supply to players.
Known as dimples.
Replacing divots, repairing their pitchmarks and raking bunkers.
believe they are 'divots'
1. A quarter cup is a quarter cup.
how many degrees is a quarter port
remove the rust by sanding or grinding. prevent future rust with an inhibitor, weld in a new piece of metal, and/or use fiberglass to fiz the hole. use a polyester fiber fill ( plastic body filler), to fill any divots. sand and prepare for refinishing.