The moon is about 238,837 miles from the earth. There are 5,280 feet in a mle. Two dollar bills end to end are one foot.
So, there are 238837 x 5280 x 2 = $2,522,118,720 just about the price of Ford Motor Company back in November 2008.
It would depend on what size moon pie it is. From earth to the moon is 238,000 miles.
2,513,280 one way 5,026,560 round trip
{| |- | 3,844,030,000,000.00 |}
100 trillion
About 3.2 billion cans. A 12-oz aluminum can may be designated as 12 cm tall -- the design of the cans allows them to "nest" which reduces the effective height when they are stacked. The average distance to the Moon is 384,400 kilometers. Dividing 384 million meters by 0.12 meter per can yields a figure of 3,203,333,333 cans.
It would take roughly 23,885 10-foot boards to reach the moon.
It would take approximately 1.3 trillion pennies stacked on top of each other to reach the moon, assuming the average height of a stacked penny is 0.75 inches.
It would take over 400 million iPhones stacked on top of each other to reach the moon.
The distance to the moon is approximately 238,855 miles. If you stacked pennies on top of each other, a single penny is about 0.06 inches thick. You would need roughly 477,710,000 pennies stacked on top of each other to reach the moon.
It would depend on what size moon pie it is. From earth to the moon is 238,000 miles.
2,513,280 one way 5,026,560 round trip
It would take approximately 89.6 million tires stacked on top of each other to reach the moon, considering the average height of a tire is around 0.67 meters. This is based on the average distance between the Earth and the moon, which is about 384,400 km.
No, 200 billion pennies laid out in a single line would not reach from the earth to the moon. However, stacked on top of each other, they would far exceed the distance between the earth and the moon.
It would take approximately 4.7 trillion plastic bottles stacked on top of each other to reach the moon. This is based on an average plastic bottle height of 11.5 inches and the distance to the moon, which is about 238,855 miles.
as many as you want
It would take approximately 250 billion nickels, stacked one on top of the other, to reach from the Earth to the Moon. This calculation is based on the average distance between the Earth and the Moon, and the thickness of a nickel.