There were 22,500 dozen eggs in the Egg futures contract at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, until that exchange stopped listing it for trading, somewhere around the middle of the eighth decade of the twentieth century, which is to say around about 1976.
12 eggs= a dozen
24 eggs are the equivalent of two dozen eggs. A dozen is 12, while a baker's dozen is 13.
12 eggs = 1 dozen
36 eggs.
2,000 times 12 is 24,000, so 24,000 eggs are in 2,000 dozen.
12 eggs= a dozen
3.5 dozen.
A wheat futures contract covers 5000 bushels of whatever wheat (there are different kinds) is specified in the contract.
There are 216,000 eggs in 18,000 dozen. 12 eggs in a dozen * 18,000 = 216,000
24 eggs are the equivalent of two dozen eggs. A dozen is 12, while a baker's dozen is 13.
There are: 14880/12 = 1240 dozen eggs
There are 204 eggs in 17 dozen.
72 eggs = 6 dozen
24, a dozen = 12 eggs
144 eggs is 12 dozen eggs. This is called a gross of eggs.
how many eggs in half a dozen
fifty thousand bushels in a corn contract