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Q: How many drink would it take a 200 pound man before reaching an inappropriate level of intoxication?
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What is it called when you drink too much and you can die from it?

Water Intoxication. alcohol overdose or alcohol intoxication

What is it called when you drink to much water?

Water Intoxication and Hyponatremia

What if you drink liquor then wine?

You'll decease the rate of your intoxication.

Is the best solution to preventing intoxication?

The best solution to preventing intoxication is to drink alcohol in moderation, know your limits, pace yourself, and drink water between alcoholic beverages. It's also important to never drink and drive and to have a designated driver or use alternative transportation if necessary.

Why is that when you drink alcohol then you feel tied?

When you drink alcohol and reach the stage of intoxication, the nerves are temporarily inactivated and you feel tied, devoid of reality.

What is the meaning of drunken?

of Drink, Overcome by strong drink; intoxicated by, or as by, spirituous liquor; inebriated., Saturated with liquid or moisture; drenched., Pertaining to, or proceeding from, intoxication.

What is the state of being affected by alcohol?

Intoxication temporarily affects the operation of the brain.

What is a responsible use of alcohol?

Moderate drinking of alcohol is considered responsible; never drink to the point of intoxication, and never drink if you are going to be driving a motor vehicle in the immediate future.

What is mean by intoxication in Islam?

drugs that are used to put u in different state of mind . . for plasure !

If you way 95 to 100 pounds how much alcohol can you drink before getting drunk?

While there are variables such as gender and weight, each state defines legal intoxication differently. In general, anything more than 1 drink in 1 hour for either a male or female will cause you to be legally intoxicated

Food can help you survive but water can kill you?

Water can kill you if you drink too much of it at once. This is called Water Intoxication and it can be lethal.

How much alcohol can a 215 pound person drink before dying?

Toxic dosage varies from person to person, but it is possible to die from a blood alcohol content of 4mg/dL. For any person, reaching that amount depends on how quickly they drink and how strong it is.