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Q: How many edges does a 5 sided pyramid have?
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5 edges

How many edges and faces would a 5-sided pyramid have?

6faces and 10 edges

How many edges does a rectangular pyramid have and how many vertices?

A pyramid with an n-sided base will have n + 1 vertices, n + 1 faces, and 2n edges. 8 edges, 5 vertices

How edges on a four sided pyramid?

5, how could you not know that?

How many edges and vertices square pyramid have?

A pyramid with an n-sided base will have n + 1 vertices, n + 1 faces, and 2n edges. 8 edges, 5 vertices

How many faces verytices edges a square pyramid have?

A pyramid with an n-sided base will have n + 1 vertices, n + 1 faces, and 2n edges. 5 faces, 5 vertices, 10 edges

How many faces edges and vertices does a rectagular pyramid have?

A pyramid with an n-sided base will have n + 1 vertices, n + 1 faces, and 2n edges. 5 faces, 8 edges, 5 vertices

How many verties does a square pyramid?

A pyramid with an n-sided base will have n + 1 vertices, n + 1 faces, and 2n edges. 5 vertices

What has 5 faces 6 edges and 4 vertices?

No regular polyhedron can have these qualities: F + V - E must equal 2. - a three-sided pyramid has 4 faces, 6 edges, and 4 vertices. - a four-sided pyramid has 5 faces, 8 edges, and 5 vertices

How may faces edges and vertices does a square pyramid have?

A pyramid with an n-sided base will have n + 1 vertices, n + 1 faces, and 2n edges. 5 faces, 10 edges, 5 vertices

How many facets in a square based pyramid?

A pyramid with an n-sided base will have n + 1 vertices, n + 1 faces, and 2n edges. 5 faces

What is the square pyramid face vertices and edges look like?

A pyramid with an n-sided base will have n + 1 vertices, n + 1 faces, and 2n edges. 5 faces, 5 vertices, 8 edges