12 Edges is how many edges a rectangular prismhas
24 edges.24 edges.24 edges.24 edges.
none its how many edges does a corner have
It has 60 edges.
72 Edges
pentadecahedron * * * * * No. Even though I do not know the correct answer, I do know that that is not the correct answer. A pentadecahedron has 15 faces - NOT 15 edges. Polyhedra often have names with Greek prefices which refer to the number of faces.
12 Edges is how many edges a rectangular prismhas
24 edges.24 edges.24 edges.24 edges.
none its how many edges does a corner have
A cube has twelve edges.
there are no edges * * * * * I disagree. there are 12 edges.
6 edges No, 9 edges
8 edges
a ball has no edges.
12 edges.
30 edges.