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Q: How many edges does a square pyramid?
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How many edges in a squre pyramid?

A square pyramid has 8 edges.

How many vertices's and edges in a square pyramid?

There are 5 verticies and edges. * * * * * Wrong! A square pyramid does have 5 vertices (note spelling), and 8 edges (not 5).

How many edges and corners in a square pyramid?

A pyramid with a rectangular (square) base has:Eight edges,Five vertexes (corners)Five faces

How many eadges does a pyramid have?

It depends on the base of the pyramid. To find it, add the number of edges of the vertices is of the base to its number of edges. Example: for a square pyramid, there is 4 vertices and 4 edges in the base. The Edges of the pyramid is then 4+4 which equals 8.

How many edges square pyramis have?

A pyramid with an n-sided base will have n + 1 vertices, n + 1 faces, and 2n edges. 8 edges

How many edges does a square pyramaid have?

A pyramid with an n-sided base will have n + 1 vertices, n + 1 faces, and 2n edges. 8 edges.

How many edges does a triangular pyramid have?

6A triangular pyramid has 6 edges.

How many edges are on rectangular pyramid?

a rectangular pyramid has a total of 8 edges

How many edges does a suare base pyramid have?

There are 5 edge (also known as vertices) on a square-based pyramid. 4 on the base and the last edge on the top of the pyramid.

What solid have more than one edge and less than 10 edges?

A pyramid with a triangular base. It has 6 edges, or a pyramid with a square base, which has 7 edges

How many edges does a octagonal pyramid have?

An octagonal pyramid has 16 edges.

How many edges are on a hexagonal pyramid?

there are 12 edges.