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11 sperms and 21 eggs

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Q: How many eggs and how many sperm are there in fraternal twins?
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How many different kid of twins are there?

There are two main types of twins: identical (monozygotic) twins, who form from a single fertilized egg that splits into two embryos, and fraternal (dizygotic) twins, who develop from two separate eggs that are fertilized by two separate sperm. There are also rarer types of twins, such as mirror-image twins and conjoined twins.

How many gametes are need for non-identical twins?

To have twins, it's just two. whether they're identical or not depends on if they're two girls, two boys, or one boy and one girl. To have twins, it's just two. whether they're identical or not depends on if they're two girls, two boys, or one boy and one girl.

How many varieties of twins are there?

fraternal and identical

If a guy ejaculates twice inside would that produces twins?

No, the likelihood of having twins is determined by the release of two eggs by the woman's ovaries during ovulation, which can result in fertilization by two different sperm. It is not related to the number of times a man ejaculates during intercourse.

What is one way in which identical and fraternal similar?

Identical and fraternal twins typically share many similar characteristics

How many kids does nick valensi have?

He has fraternal twins. Boy and girl. :)

What do you call to twins that doesn't look the same Does it exist Thanks?

There are many twins that don't look alike. They are called fraternal twins.

How many egg cells are used with twins?

In the case of fraternal twins, two separate egg cells are fertilized by two different sperm cells. For identical twins, a single egg cell is fertilized by a single sperm cell, but it splits into two embryos during early development.

How many eggs does a woman normally release every menstrual cycle?

Normally, a woman normally releases ONE egg per menstrual cycle. On occasion, a woman will release two, which would result in fraternal twins if both eggs are fertilized.

How do twins look exactly alike?

Twins can look alike due to sharing the same genetic material and inheriting similar physical traits from their parents. Identical twins result from a single fertilized egg splitting into two embryos, leading to nearly identical DNA. Fraternal twins, on the other hand, are the result of two separate eggs being fertilized by two different sperm cells, which can result in less resemblance between siblings.

How many eggs released by the ovaries each month?

For humans, in most cases, one is released every cycle. If more than one is released and fertilized, the resulting newborns will be fraternal twins, triplets, etc.

How many eggs are released during ovulation?

It is different for every person and every cycle, sometimes one, sometimes several, this is how fraternal twins are produced, more than one egg gets fertilized and implants and starts growing.