chickens are not well educated enough to learn how to lay purple eggs. they need to have conceived the egg on the night of a lunar eclipse when a accomanying dog joins in the fun while playing a violin. but ssshhh do not tell the chickens this because the eggs are all mine and they are worth a lot of money.
It takes 12 eggs to make a dozen. If 1.5 chickens produce 1.5 eggs, then 1 chicken produces 1 egg, and it takes 12 chickens to produce 1 dozen eggs.
Chickens lay on average 5 to 6 eggs a week, but less in the winter when the daylight is less.
Actually it takes 21 days. Each chicken takes 21 days to lay an egg, so it takes 21 chickens to get 21 eggs. It also takes 14 chickens to lay 14 eggs in 21 days. Reasoning (mistakenly) that if it takes 21 hens 21 days to lay 21 eggs then it must take 14 hens 14 days to lay 14 eggs, eventually leads to 1 hen laying 1 egg in 1 day. If that were the case, then it would only take that 1 hen to lay 21 eggs in 21 days--but we know it takes 21 hens to lay that amount in 21 days.
There is no official count as to how many chickens are in the UK. However, there are most likely millions of chickens for food and for the eggs.
chickens are not well educated enough to learn how to lay purple eggs. they need to have conceived the egg on the night of a lunar eclipse when a accomanying dog joins in the fun while playing a violin. but ssshhh do not tell the chickens this because the eggs are all mine and they are worth a lot of money.
A half dozen, whether chickens or eggs, will always be 6.
Chocolate chickens don't lay eggs.
Chicken eggs are. Many other creatures produce eggs.
That greatly depends on how many chickens you have. One chicken will lay one egg a day. so, if you have 10 chickens you will get 10 eggs daily.
If they are consistant they should be able to lay 40.
Chickens may lay fewer eggs in wet weather due to the stress it can put on their bodies. Wet conditions can make chickens uncomfortable, leading to decreased egg production. Additionally, moisture can affect the quality of the eggs laid, making the chickens less inclined to lay as many.
Chickens have a natural instinct to lay eggs regularly as part of their reproductive cycle. Broodiness is triggered by hormonal changes that encourage incubation of eggs, so chickens typically lay more eggs when they are not broody. This allows them to consistently produce eggs for reproduction.
About 12 eggs per clutch