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none, if u dont no this u dont need chickens

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Q: How many eggs do chickens lay while moulting?
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How many purple eggs do chickens lay at Easter?

chickens are not well educated enough to learn how to lay purple eggs. they need to have conceived the egg on the night of a lunar eclipse when a accomanying dog joins in the fun while playing a violin. but ssshhh do not tell the chickens this because the eggs are all mine and they are worth a lot of money.

If 2 chickens lay 8 eggs in 3 days how many eggs can 5 chickens lay in 6 days?


If a chicken and a half laid an egg and a half how many would it take to make a dozen?

It takes 12 eggs to make a dozen. If 1.5 chickens produce 1.5 eggs, then 1 chicken produces 1 egg, and it takes 12 chickens to produce 1 dozen eggs.

How many eggs douse a free range chicken lay a day?

Chickens lay on average 5 to 6 eggs a week, but less in the winter when the daylight is less.

If one and a half chickens lay one and a half eggs in one and a half days How many eggs do 9 chicken lay in 9 days?

re- 9 eggs is wrong, it says how many eggs would 9 chickens lay in 9 days. that is 81. However. this could be a quote from asimov's I,robot (page 179)and the answer in that case would be 54. -re re. The Answer is 54, like it says in Asimov's books (I just read it in his short story book The Complete Robot, page 495). Just think if one chicken laid one and a half eggs in one and a half days the rate would be 1 egg per chicken per day, equaling 81 eggs for 9 chickens in 9 days. However because the question is if one AND A HALF chickens lays one and a half eggs in one and a half days you times 81 by 2/3 giving 54. I could be wrong though. Can anyone add to this? 54 eggs 04/16/10 RE: Asimov's riddle Hi, thanks for starting this thread. I was thinking about this riddle recently and it definitely had me scratching my head for a while. It is as much of a logic puzzle as it is a math puzzle. The way I see it, You need to establish a number ratio to contrast the comparison of 1.5 chickens, eggs and days to the 9 chickens and 9 days (or 1 chicken 1 day) So, lets say for the sake of finding this mysterious ratio, that each chicken is actually not 1 but 1.5 chickens. So there is an extra .5 (or 1/3) in each day. But we dont have just 1 chicken, we have 9. By taking 9 chickens and dividing it by '1.5 chickens ' we are given 6. Which is 2/3's of 9. This is how many eggs are laid each day. Multiply this number by your number of days (9) and you get the number 54. 54 is a confusing answer, but the right answer. Besides, Robots are not allowed to lie to humans.

Related questions

How many chickens is there in the UK?

There is no official count as to how many chickens are in the UK. However, there are most likely millions of chickens for food and for the eggs.

How many purple eggs do chickens lay at Easter?

chickens are not well educated enough to learn how to lay purple eggs. they need to have conceived the egg on the night of a lunar eclipse when a accomanying dog joins in the fun while playing a violin. but ssshhh do not tell the chickens this because the eggs are all mine and they are worth a lot of money.

If 2 chickens lay 8 eggs in 3 days how many eggs can 5 chickens lay in 6 days?


How many chickens are in half dozen?

A half dozen, whether chickens or eggs, will always be 6.

How many eggs does a chocolate chicken lay?

Chocolate chickens don't lay eggs.

Egg are they really from chickens?

Chicken eggs are. Many other creatures produce eggs.

How many chicken eggs are produced daily?

That greatly depends on how many chickens you have. One chicken will lay one egg a day. so, if you have 10 chickens you will get 10 eggs daily.

If it takes 21 days for 21 chickens to lay 21 eggs then how many days does it take for 14 chickens to lay 14 eggs?

It would still take 21 days for 14 chickens to lay 14 eggs, assuming each chicken lays one egg per day. The number of chickens doesn't affect the time it takes each chicken to lay one egg.

How many eggs would 12 chickens lay in 7 days if 1 and a half chickens laid 1 and a half eggs in 1 and a half days?


If two chickens can lay 8 eggs in 3 days how many eggs can 5 chickens lay you 6 days?

If they are consistant they should be able to lay 40.

How many chickens are born at birth?

About 12 eggs per clutch

Can you eat eggs from chickens taking tetracycline?

It is recommended that humans not consume any eggs from chickens that are on any type of medication. Many drugs are passed into the eggs. You should consult your veterinarian and ask what the withdrawal period is.