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It has two pairs of opposite equal sides that are parallel to each other

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Q: How many equal sides does a parralellogram have?
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How many sides does a parralellogram have?


What has opposite sides that are parallel and the same length?

Try a square or parralellogram.

How do you find the area and perimeter of a parralellogram?

Area = length*height Perimeter = sum of its 4 sides

What shape has 2 pairs of congruent sides and 2 pairs of parallel sides and 2 angles are obtuse and 2 are acute?

a parralellogram or however its spelt

Is a rhombus a parralellogram?

A rhombus is a parallelogram because it has 2 sets of parallel sides. A parallelogram does not have to have 4 congruent sides. A parallelogram is not necessarily a rhombus. So, it would be a square and a rhombus.

How many equal sides has a rhombus?

it have 4 equal sides

How many equal sides does a octagon have?

It has 8 equal sides.

How many equal sides for an isosceles triangle?

There are 2 equal sides

How many equal sides does a parrallelogram have?

2 pairs of equal sides

How many sides in a rombhus are equal?

All 4 sides are equal.

How many sides are equal in a parallelogram?

Two pairs of equal sides.

How Many Equal sides are there in a regular pentagon?

5 equal sides