There are 0.133... (recurring) coins of 1-Euro denomination in a gram. The value/mass for other Euro coinage is different.
113.7 Euros
30.6702 euros
1 dollar = 0.799 euros.
As of today6.6 Euros = 9.06114 U.S. dollars
As of 6th June 2009, 900 Euros is $1256.81
I think the cost is 22.7 euros per grams.
1 gram of gold costs 22.7 euros, today (October 23rd, 2009).
the most expensive seeds on the market are Armageddon x Sirius skunk from the Pukka Seed Company, at £475 for 10 feminised seeds. The most expensive hash on the market is DUTHC waterworks iceolator hash, available from the Damkring coffeeshop in Amsterdam for 60 euros per gram. (Gold is presently 20 euros per gram.) The same shop sells Mexican Haze marijuana for 12.5 euros per gram.
Yes they do. It is sold in 50 gram packs (most tobacco in Germany such as Drum is sold in 40 gram packs which incidentally costs 5 Euros 50 cents). It was 7 Euros 50 cents when I purchased some in February 2012.
10.1809 euros
721.254 euros
72.09 Euros.
53.50 euros
24.06 euros.
345.87 Euros.
As of today (02APR2011), 3100 Euros is worth about 2178 Euros.
1.20268809 euros