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1 million Pesatas = 6010.12 EUR

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Q: How many euros in one million pesetas?
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How do you write one million euros in numbers?

one million euros

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A milliard is an alternative name for a thousand million. That is:1,000,000,000

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1 million euros is around 1.4 million Canadian dollars

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As at 12-Sep-2011 - One Million Pounds (GBP) would be about 1,167,342 Euros (EUR).

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1 billion euros=1.3257 billion dollars = 1,325.7 million dollars (one thosand three hundred twenty five point seven million dollars)

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Spanish Pesetas were replaced by the Euro in January 2002. At that time, just under 186 pesetas equalled 1 US dollar.

How do I convert one million euros to dollars?

Find out one Euro to Dollar... Times that by 1 million. Done ^^

How many euros make one pound?

1.20268809 euros

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The average house price in Notting Hill in London during 2012, was approximately one million euros. One million euros is equivalent to one million and three hundred thousand in US dollars.

Convert 20 million Euros to US dollars?

one euro is worth 1.02979 u.s. dollars that is why if you look up lets say 20 million converted to u.s. its such a strange number with as decimal at the end.

How many euros was one dollar in 1885?

There weren't any euros in 1885.

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one TRILLION dollars or one MILLION euros