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Q: How many examples you must give to disprove a conditional statement?
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Examples using a negative rejoinder include no, I do not. A rejoinder is an answer statement used to reply to a question or statement.

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I don't think there are any counter examples. Look at the second adjective definition at

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no answer, this statement sends you around in circles

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tatement tells something. it gives information E.G. I see a large bird in the willow tree

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It means something impossible to deny or disprove. An incontrovertible fact.

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"Give particulars" means to provide specific details or information about something. It typically involves presenting specific facts, figures, or examples to support a statement or argument.

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I do not think there are disadvantages for conditional operators. Other people will think differently. Most importantly, what is the answer your teacher want you to give. Read your course material or ask your teacher, is the best advice I can give you.

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The direct opposite; such as stating one part of a sentence against another part of the same statement. Example (from a US Revolutionary War hero): "Give me liberty, or give me death."

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