Faces are planar sides of a polyhedron. As a 2-dimenional shape, a circle has no "faces."
A sphere migt be considered to have "one face" except that the definition of a face requires a flat surface, which a sphere does not have.
[a circle is 2-dimensional therefore has sides instead of faces])
Square - 1 face Circle - 1 face Triangle - 1 face
A circle which is a plane figure, when drawn on a paper has 1 side.
a circle has one face and no verticies! Hope i helped!
a circle has no face a sphere on the other hand does
Square - 1 face Circle - 1 face Triangle - 1 face
a fish with a circle face
A circle has no vertices and it has one face. It could also be argued that a circle is the limiting form of a regular polygon with an infinite number of vertices.
A circle which is a plane figure, when drawn on a paper has 1 side.
a circle has one face and no verticies! Hope i helped!
a circle has no face a sphere on the other hand does
None but it's possible to construct shapes within a circle that have vertices.
A cone. It has a circle for the base, and a curved face tapering to a point.
No faces, 1 edge, no corners. A circular disk has 1 face, but that is not the same as a circle.
there is many things... :bubble,moon,earth, golfball, smile face, doughnuts......